We strive to:
Expand public awareness of what animal hospice is and can be;
Provide information, resources and guidelines for animal hospice to practitioners, family caregivers, volunteers and the public;
Offer training and continuing education in animal hospice, incorporating applicable aspects of the profound knowledge base of modern human hospice;
Function as both a communications partner for, and a representative of animal hospice among the veterinary and human hospice communities, educational institutions and service-related professional organizations involved in animal hospice;
Foster professional and mutually beneficial relationships between human and animal hospice;
Provide a national animal hospice phone hotline and an international e-mail helpline; and,
Ensure standards of quality, best practices and excellence among animal hospice providers.

Amiga, the black lab lady is terminally ill. Christine, her human has invited Amiga’s friends over for a celebration of life. Amiga received integrative hospice care and died peacefully in her own time, surrounded by her two- and four-legged family.